By Mollie Wolfe, PharmD - Super V Drugs
Fall weather brings respiratory virus season among most of the population and can be especially detrimental for the elderly and those with certain medical conditions. There are several vaccines available to help combat common viral infections that cause illness around the colder months. Our pharmacists at Super V Drugs can help navigate which vaccines are recommended and when.

Common Respiratory Illness
Covid-19, influenza (flu) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are among the most common viruses at the root of respiratory illnesses. Their symptoms range from a headache, cough or fever to vomiting, diarrhea or weakness, which can possibly lead to more serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Most mild symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter products. Ask one of our pharmacists at Super V what products they recommend!
Covid-19 Vaccine Update
The novel Covid-19 virus has evolved rapidly these past 4 years but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continuously tracks each variant. Omicron-variant KP.3.1.1 is the predominant Covid-19 strain circulating throughout the population and causing illness according to the CDC. Major manufacturers such as Moderna and Pfizer have tailored their Covid-19 vaccines to protect against this specific Covid-19 strain. At Super V Drugs, we carry both manufacturers to ensure our patients feel comfortable with whichever manufacturer of their choosing!
Yearly Flu Vaccine
The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System works year-round conducting research to determine the most likely strain of influenza (flu) to cause illness, and vaccine manufacturers do not take their recommendations lightly. In recent years, flu vaccines contained 4 different strains including two Type A and two Type B, however, for the 2024-25 season it includes only 3 strains: two Type A and one Type B. Patients who are 65 years or older are recommended to receive what is called an “adjuvanted” flu vaccine (commonly known as “high dose”), which means the vaccine contains an extra component that will help the immune system respond to the vaccine and protect against the flu. Our pharmacists at Super V Drugs strongly recommend receiving a yearly flu vaccine for all ages.
NEW: RSV Vaccine for Adults
In 2023, a new vaccine became available to help combat Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) among older adults. Symptoms of RSV are similar to the common cold: sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and cough. RSV is commonly thought to affect mostly children, however, it also affects older adults and can develop into a more serious lower respiratory illness such as pneumonia. RSV vaccines are generally recommended for those age 60 and older with medical conditions that make them more susceptible to respiratory illness. Ask one of our pharmacists at Super V Drugs if the RSV vaccine is right for you!
Pneumonia Vaccines
Covid-19, flu and RSV are among the list of viruses that can lead to pneumococcal infections in the lower respiratory tract. Bacterial pneumococcal infections are more severe and require antibiotics and possibly hospitalization to treat. The best way to prevent pneumonia is to be up to date on the latest pneumonia vaccines, along with Covid-19, flu and RSV (if applicable). There are specific recommendations for pneumonia vaccines for different ages and our pharmacists at Super V Drugs can help determine which vaccines are recommended and when!
We understand vaccine selection and timing can be overwhelming. Our trusted pharmacists offer quick, free vaccine consults anytime, in person or by phone. We offer the most commonly recommended vaccines with no appointment needed!